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电话: +852-27879186
传真: +852-23104890
姓名: Amy Zhang

  SCITOP is a leading manufacturer and global distributor of digital inkjet printing media located in China, dealing business with Office Depot, OfficeMax, Wal-mart, *域名隐藏* providing the world with top quality products at competitive prices, we touch and make a difference in people’s lives. The SCITOP factory established in 2003 with 300,000 square feet is the production base of SCITOP co., ltd. It is a new and specialized factory, which has a large number of professional technicians and top rank operation process. Our coating factory is one of the largest manufactures in China with over millions square meter monthly production capacity. We are able to fulfill customer orders timely and ef...

主要产品/业务: whiteboard

SCITOP LTD. / 广东 / No.33 9/F cosmopolitan centre 760 nathan road Hong Kong ( ) / 电话:+852-27879186

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